Days of Noah are Here!

Prophecy Charts China 中国预言图

The Bible accurately predicts the future in advance. Is the Bible written by the true Creator of the heavens and the earth? Israel was exiled to the Gentile nations in 70 A.D.. Jesus said he would bring the nation of Israel back to her land from exile. The prophet Ezekiel wrote of Israel's return 2,500 years ago! This prediction is in the book of Ezekiel chapters 36 and 37. Is the return of Israel the fingerprint of Jesus? Does that mean that every verse in the Bible is true? Would it make the Bible as an accurate description of true reality! The long war between Jesus and Satan for the souls of men!

圣经准确地预测未来。圣经是由天堂和地球的真正创造者撰写的吗? 以色列于公元70年被流放到外邦国家。 耶稣说,他将把以色列国带回她流放的土地。 先知以西结写了2500年前以色列的回归! 该预测是在以西结书第36和37章中。 以色列的归来是耶稣的指纹吗?这是否意味着圣经中的每节经文都是真的? 这会使圣经成为对真实现实的准确描述! 漫长的战争 在耶稣和撒但之间为人的灵魂!

英语/中文平行圣经 - English/Chinese Parallel Bible

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Isaiah chapter 46 v 9,10

  1. 9 Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me,
  2. 10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:

以赛亚书 46 v 9,10

  1. 9 你们要追念上古的事,因为我是神,并无别神,我是神,再没有能比我的。
  2. 10 我从起初指明末后的事,从古时言明未成的事,说,我的筹算必立定,凡我所喜悦的,我必成就。

Cross to the 2nd Coming China


The nation of Israel which is the Fig Tree generation (May 14, 1948) will be the last generation. Moral decline will be like the days of Noah's flood and the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. Unusual weather events, earthquakes, pestilences will accelerate. Mankind will be given over to a depraved mind. Mankind will begin to say that good behavior is now bad and bad behavior is now good! The many end time signs will converge together and accelerate like birth pangs! A person needs to be "born again" to miss the last 7 years of Daniel as described in Revelation 6-19.


以色列国家是无花果树(1948年5月14日)将是最后一代。 道德下降将就像诺亚洪水的时代以及所多玛和戈莫拉的日子。 异常的天气事件,地震,瘟疫会加速。 人类将被赋予堕落的思想。 人类将开始说好行为现在是坏行为,而坏行为现在很好! 许多结束时间的迹象将融合在一起,并像出生一样加速! 如《启示录》 6-19中所述,一个人需要“重生”以逃避丹尼尔的最后7年。

I have used the calculations from the book "The Coming Prince" by Sir Robert Anderson.


Daniel's 70 Weeks China


The true God promised the Prophet Daniel that he would provide an "atonement for sin" through the Messiah. The true God said that the prophetic time period would be 490 years. After 483 years Jesus rode the donkey into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. When Israel rejected Jesus as the Messiah the true God stopped the time clock. The true God exiled Israel to all the different nations in 70 A.D.. The true God began the "Church Age" and offers forgiveness of sin to any who would come to the Cross. When Israel returned to her land on May 14, 1948 it was a super sign for the last generation. The true God will begin the last 7 year time period with a peace treaty. The Messiah Jesus will rule on the earth for 1,000 years. His capital will be Jeruslaem.

真正的上帝向先知丹尼尔答应了他将提供“罪赎罪” 通过弥赛亚。 真正的上帝说,预言时期将为490年。 483年后,耶稣骑了驴进入 耶路撒冷在棕榈周日。 当以色列拒绝耶稣时,真正的上帝停止了时钟。 真正的上帝在公元70年将以色列流放到所有不同国家。 真正的上帝开始了“教会时代”,并宽恕了罪 对于任何会来十字架的人。 以色列于1948年5月14日返回她的土地时,这是最后一代的超级信号。 真正的上帝将通过和平条约开始最后7年的时间。 弥赛亚耶稣将在地球上统治1000年。他的首都将是耶路撒冷。

Moses to the Cross China

Creation to Moses China

Earth Meltdown China